13th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science

The International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) is delighted to announce that the 13th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science will be held from April 27 to May 1, 2020 at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
The IAFSS Symposium, organized triennially since 1985, is the premier fire safety science meeting attracting researchers, students and fire protection engineers from across the globe. The five-day symposium will feature invited lectures from world-leading fire researchers, parallel presentations of peerreviewed papers, and poster sessions for recent work. Symposium activities will be preceded by a series of weekend workshops. In addition to the technical sessions, numerous social activities are planned to provide informal meeting and networking opportunities for colleagues and friends.

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Plus d'informations sur le site : https://uwaterloo.ca/international-symposium-on-fire-safety-science/

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